Step 4: Press Win + R and type: msconfig then click "OK".
The shortcut virus often finds its way into your PC startup applications, so it is important to check there as well:. Take care to not delete any important non-virus processes. Search the name of any suspect virus processes that you see and delete the ones that are known to be malware. Step 3: Look for any suspicious file names in the list. Step 2: Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER> Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion> Run. Step 1: Press Win+R and type: regedit to enter the registry. It may provide some peace of mind to know that the virus is not hiding on your PC, however. If only your storage devices were infected, and not your computer, this step is unnecessary. Remove Shortcut Processes from the Registry Notice: If you still can't view or access saved files on the previously infected device, go to the supplemental file recovery section to quickly get your data back. Therefore, in addition to removing the shortcut virus files with CMD shortcut virus remover, you must also check the registry to terminate these processes, or the virus might sprout up again. The shortcut virus is pesky and can attach itself to your system's startup processes. By specifying the drive letter, you can get rid of the virus once and for all on your hard drive, USB flash drive, pen drive, SD card, or any storage device connected to your PC. With CMD, you can remove shortcut virus files from any drive on your PC.
There are several third-party software products with the same goal, but the best shortcut virus remover tool is free and already on your Windows PC: Command Prompt (CMD). Luckily it is possible to recover files from the shortcut virus without lasting damage, and it can all be done for free with built-in Windows software. Not only is the virus frustrating, but also it can be prying personal information from your computer or storage device, so it is vital to remove the shortcut virus fast.
When you open one of these shortcuts, the virus replicates and penetrates deeper into your storage device. exe file that contains the virus. The aptly named shortcut virus hides all files within an infected partition or hard drive and replaces them with shortcuts of the same file names. You can also infect your computer by running a. The virus will transfer to a storage device whenever it is connected to an infected one. The shortcut virus is a troublesome piece of malware that infects computer hard drives, USB flash drives, pen drives, and SD cards.